Hope Pastures

Hope Pastures

Services Provided:
Responive Website Design
Website Development

Back in August 2016 Equestrian ID ran a Facebook Competition to Win a Website… the tension was mounting by the end of the month, finally the time arrived for the draw and Hope Pastures name was pulled out of the hat. We soon began working with Kim and Philip from the charity to see how we could really lift their online profile with a brand new GOLD responsive website designed and built by Equestrian ID.

Hope Pastures have been a fantastic charity to work with so when Kim shared the great news that Hope Pastures had been chosen as the Bramham International Horse Trials Official Charity for 2017, it went without saying that we were going to make sure that the new website would be ready for the event.

When we began to re-design the website, we listened carefully to Kim and Philip’s account of how Hope Pastures works, what they had and what they wanted to do. From a design point of view we wanted to show the warmth of Hope Pastures but we also had to show some of the heartbreaking images of what Hope Pastures deal with all too often.

Our overall aim was to design the best equestrian charity website that Hope Pastures could have wished for. We highlighted ways to help, Ponies up for adoption, buying ponies gifts and all importantly encouraging a donation which featured on each page in a prominent position.

With the help of some fantastic images of Hope Pastures residents (they just melt your heart) we have designed and developed a website that will serve the charity well for a good few years to come.


Website Design and Development

Hope Pastures

A word from the client

When I entered the Equestrian ID competition to win a Gold Website I didn't even think Hope Pastures needed a new website - we'd updated it 2 years ago, which seemed like only yesterday to me. When we won, we were delighted, but not really sure that much could be done to improve the current site. Well, how wrong could we be!!
The Equestrian ID team went right through our existing site and put forward proposals as to how to move it forward which were a significant advance on where we'd been. So much so, that it made us pull our heads out of the sand and see how much had changed since our last re-deisgn. It's very easy to be complacent about these things, but technology moves on apace and very soon leaves you behind. Not just that, but as a small team we don't really have the time to undertake the dynamic research needed to keep abreast of these changes - having the expertise of the Equestrian ID team on board meant we had this 'at our finger tips'.
We could see that the new ideas and design which Equestrian ID proposed were not only more up-to-date, but more user-friendly and impactful. More importantly, they would make it easy for viewers to take the actions which we wsih them to (for example, donate, adopt and support us).
The team were very patient as we went through a big learning curve in terms of the 'art of he possible' right now and they were very responsive to our comments and feedback. If we suggested a change to the design for 'business' reasons, they would often come back with an improvement which did what we asked, but better.
We have a surprisingly large website for a small organisation and, with our limited resources, we were dreading the additional unplanned work of transposing all the pages into the new design, but the Equestrian ID team did all of this for us - no small feat. In fact, our workload has largely consisted of commenting on the designs and giving guidance on structure and format. What is actually a massive piece of work has been taken on almost wholesale by the Equestrian ID team, involving relatively little work from us.
The team have been a pleasure to work with - always positive and helpful. They've visited the sanctuary to 'get under the skin' of what we do, which means they've been able to add more 'feeling' into the site.
We can't thank Equestrian ID enough for what they have done for Hope Pastures - the creative design, the easy process and the professional and 'fit for purpose' final outcome have all been excllent for us and we'd definitely recommend them. A massive thank you to the team there from all our animals here.
Kim Pengelly
Fundraising & PR Co-ordinator
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